Wednesday, 14 May 2014


Firstly I should point out that this is non profit and that Daleks and the Comic book characters my characters are based on are owned by there respective owners (currently BBC, Marvel and DC, potentially more if I spread out into other comics in the future) just in case any copyright issues arise. I will also point out that Doctor Who as well as Marvel and DC comics are great and you should watch/read/listen if you have time.

The other thing I want to say is that my scanner is rubbish and ruining how some of my comics look so I have ordered a graphics tablet that should hopefully arrive before I next update so all new comics should be far better quality and I can re-draw or touch up the ones I've already posted.

I hope people like my comics and if you do and keep looking I am trying to update weekly on Wednesdays' also thank you! :-D

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